COVID-19 is a genuine shock to daily life. Businesses are set to redefine seating at offices, working at factories and plants and on the field work. Truth that manufacturers in all industry sectors know all too well: “You can’t build products working from home.” As law offices, financial services firms, and tech companies and many more close their doors in and post COVID-1 situation and may request employees to “work from home,”, but manufacturers face the reality that manufacturing requires employees to work on site.

There is no factory production work from home. But the challenge to staff a factory becomes much more daunting every day during this COVID-19 pandemic, with emphasis on social distancing, and avoiding groups of people. India Inc will reset its workspaces once work resumes after the lockdown, with large-scale behavioural and physical space alterations on cards. Businesses also expect the use of office workspace to be drastically different from pre-Covid era, where optimizing the use of office space was essential.
VF&T recently conducted a manufacturers’ online discussion involving scores of manufacturers from numerous industry sectors to share ideas about how manufacturers can continue to operate in the face of this pandemic. Here are some of the discussion points and ideas & practices identified in that discussion.