Why do you need a key management cabinet?

Keys are the means to secure your and your business’s important assets. It needs solid assurance that it is stored in the right place and delivered to the right person with the right authority. What could happen if someone steals or loses an important key and how do you find out who is responsible for the lost key? If your place of business needs to rotate keys for different shifts or periodically change them, how can you manage it conveniently? Not to mention losing the key leads to having to replace the lock which is extremely expensive.

How can a smart key management system help you?

  • You will always know where your key is, who is using it, and when it is returned.
  • Access is fully monitored, tracking how often it is accessed and by whom
  • You can define and limit permissions for each user. Each event is stored in the Log where you can filter by user, which key for which place, etc
  • Call for warning in case of missing keys or expired keys
  • One cabinet can manage up to 100 keys, but more cabinets can be connected together so the number of keys is unlimited, can be controlled and configured from the central office.
  • Helps reduce costs – fewer lost keys lead to greater security

Benefits of intelligent key cabinets

How VF&T key management cabinets can help your business

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Advanced Security Features

  • Biometric Access : Ensure only authorized personnel can access keys with facial recognition technology​.
  • Integrated Alarm System : Receive immediate alerts when there are unauthorized access attempts, enhancing overall security.

User Friendly Design

  • Touch Screen Interface : Simplifies navigation and key management, making it easy for all users.
  • Flexible Organization : Includes numbered hangers and custom labels for easy identification and key retrieval​.
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Durable and Reliable Construction

  • Premium Materials : Made from powder-coated steel, our cabinets are resistant to rust, corrosion and physical damage, ensuring long-term durability.
  • Modern, Luxurious Aesthetics : Designed to match any interior, giving your space a professional look.

Connectivity and Integration

  • Standalone or Networked Operation : Choose between standalone operation or integration with your existing IT system for remote management.
  • Comprehensive Data Management : Export reports via USB or manage data over the network for detailed audit logs​.

Electronic lockers are used in many different fields

Schools often have many employees who need to access keys in many different buildings and locations, making lost keys very common. VF&T tracks key status in real time, eliminating the wasted time and cost associated with replacing keys and locks.

Hotels, pubs and clubs often have many workers working different shifts. VF&T provides rigorous testing and automation to significantly reduce security risks and time wasted with manual key management processes.

For hospitals, medical facilities and clinics, operating rooms, and pharmacies, risk management cannot be ignored. VF&T enables healthcare providers to protect their equipment and pharmaceuticals, helping to improve the hygiene, security and safety of their facilities.

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Tracking and controlling keys across infrastructure and employees is never easy for essential businesses. VF&T’s IoT solution allows these businesses to automate the key handling process with ease.

Every day, property managers need to provide keys to many different people – including tenants and owners. By controlling and monitoring key usage in real time, VF&T eliminates costs and risks arising from manual processes.

When managing large fleets, it is imperative that the right driver has access to the right vehicle at the right time. VF&T’s efficient, accurate driver-by-driver scheduling solution allows managers to achieve this goal – anytime, anywhere.

Procedures for Using Smart Key Cabinets

1. User Registration and Setup

  • Add User : Use the touch screen interface to add new users, register fingerprints, faces or issue PIN/RFID codes.
  • Set Up Access Rights : Assign access rights to each user, defining the keys or areas they can access.

2. Key Management and Organization

  • Label and Organize : Number and label keys on hangers for easy identification and management.
  • Key Storage : Place the key in the designated location in the cabinet and update the system to track it.

3. Key Access and Tracking

  • Open Cabinets : Use biometrics, PIN codes, or RFID cards to open cabinets and retrieve keys.
  • Activity Recording : Each access will be recorded in the system, including time, user and key retrieved.

4. Reporting and Data Management

  • Export Reports : Generate detailed reports on access activity, users and key status via USB port or network system.
  • Regular Monitoring : Check data and reports to detect problems or unauthorized access early
vft smart key cabinet tu chia khoa thong minh

Hotel entrance and exit security solutions


The smart key cabinet system with Face Recognition brings convenience, with functions designed to ensure safety and reliability, bringing an extremely comfortable and completely new experience to customers.

Whether you’re managing a hotel, theme park or other entertainment venue, ensuring seamless operations and top-notch security is paramount. From streamlining processes to enhancing safety and security, our solutions are tailored to meet the unique needs of hospitality facilities like yours.

Fast and accurate face recognition

Less cumbersome procedures

Receive/Return keys completely automatically

Personality, unique design and quality are the fundamental factors that ensure customers feel appreciated.

Touchless experience

Customers pick up their own keys. The system will recognize the customer’s face and open the key cabinet. The customer takes the key and goes to the room. This solution is created for hotels that have their own software and want to integrate it into the system. VF&T provides AI Access software and key management cabinets. 

Customers can scan their own passport to get their room key. The key management cabinet is integrated with a passport scanner for control. In addition, staff can also assist in taking passport photos and delivering keys to customers based on information already on the system.

Impressive welcome and maximum convenient check-out, as quickly as possible

Less paperwork, no wasted time and more security with VF&T’s Facial Recognition system and with any electronic door lock.

Guests are greeted as soon as they enter the hotel lobby and can automatically check out and rate their experience with the hotel.

Are you ready to upgrade your hotel property?

From motels, rental apartments, resort complexes, to luxury hotel chains – wherever they are, customers expect everything from home and more. To do this, we provide smart, easy-to-use solutions that combine security, aesthetics and functionality.

Contact us for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs.