Substations – the midpoint of today’s power transmission systems – play a key role in keeping the electrical energy safe and reliable. As your steady partner of choice, VF&T provides reliable security protections while enabling efficient operations and timely maintenance for substations. Read on to learn more.
Operations & Maintenance management
Electrical substations have complex operational processes, and harsh environments can make on-site operations and supervision difficult.

Lack of qualified inspection personnel

Critical operations require round-the-clock monitoring
VF&T uses cutting-edge technologies and products to monitor electrical operations in substations. With advanced solutions, VF&T provides a reliable layer of security and assists managers in predicting operational failures through intelligent video analyses.

Critical asset monitoring
Deliver video imaging of critical assets with real-time status updates. Video streaming integrates SCADA data to boost situational awareness.
- Provide panoramic and detailed imaging of transformers, isolating switches, control panels and more
- Leverage a set of positioning, PTZ, and covert network cameras
- Add visibility to electrical installations with AR Live Interaction
Infrared thermography
Detect temperature anomalies and fires in the early stages and send timely notifications, minimizing losses and unnecessary downtime.
- Measure temperatures from a safe distance
- Offer clear imaging with heat distribution maps
- Allow to set configurable rules and get event reports

AI-powered analytics
Empower cameras and edge devices with AI capability to detect status of electrical assets in substations.
- Make isolating switch status, LEDs, or digital meters clearly visible
- Automate the meter and indicator light reading
Intelligent inspections
Offer a state-of-the-art traceable, regulated, efficient, and fully-analyzed inspection process, thus guaranteeing safe and efficient operations.
- Enable online planning, real-time response, and remote checks via high-definition cameras
- Provide analysis and reports with HikCentral platforms

Security and safety management
Ensuring personnel safety along with the reliable supply of electricity today is increasingly challenging due to a number of threats targeting power infrastructures and remote substation sites.

Remotely located substations is vulnerable to intrusions

Safety hazards in the workplace
VF&T offers smart cameras, radar units, and other advanced tools for substation security. These innovative products help protect the well-being of employees, while real-time detections and quick alerts from a video-based security system enable rapid incident response and reduce risks and costs.
Perimeter protections

VF&T has your perimeter and critical areas covered with all-around protection 24/7, alerting your staff to any security breach.
Entrance & exit controls
VF&T’s barrier gates and facial recognition terminals provide smart entrance and exit controls, limiting access to authorized personnel and minimizing loss and other hazards in specific areas.

PPE detections

VF&T’s remote PPE checks use video imaging to verify helmets and other protective gear are in use. This helps improve safety and increases compliance with industry regulations.
Abnormal activity detections
Falling, running, unsafe gathering, and other abnormal activity can be detected. Managers can act promptly to reduce the risk of unnecessary accidents.

Centralized system management
Centralized monitoring and control is crucial for substations. Without it, processes such as monitoring, maintenance, and repairs must be done manually, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Lack of unified management platforms

Limited visibility into multiple substations
VF&T offers centralized management solution for substations. With centralized data collection and analysis, operators can gain insights into operational performance and address security risks quickly.

Process monitoring
Improves situational awareness and enhance overall efficiency.
- Excellent video imaging in real time
- Integrated SCADA data with readable tags
- Tracks the entire operational process
Alarm handling
Takes timely action to avoid potential risks.
- Receive alarm notifications in real time and verify though video imaging
- Enable timely emergency dispatch

Visualized dashboard
Provides crystal clear insights using visualized data.
- Get real-time inspection status of ongoing site operations
- Monitor from an all-inclusive dashboard with perceived data
- Equip operational teams with a bird’s eye view and multidimensional analytics